Free shipping on all U.S. orders over $24.


Yes. We offer quantity discounts for orders of 9 or more BatBobs.

Once received, most orders ship within 2 business days. Large orders of 100 items or more may require additional time. For very large orders, please contact us directly.

Everything can be changed and personalized including colors, designs, team logos, names and player numbers.

Smaller orders are shipped via USPS First Class Mail. Larger orders are shipped via UPS Ground.

We can expedite product orders for an additional charge. Please contact us to arrange for a rush order.

Yes: Although we do not have an official system in place for international shipping (yet), we can arrange for international shipping. Contact us for more information!

We accept Paypal, Apple pay, Google pay, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards.

As long as it is a computer-generated logo with clear borders, your artwork should be acceptable for printing. Typically, a PNG file allows transparent regions in the art and works well for uploading. If you have a jpeg but the art is on a white background, we can help you with that. It’s best to send us files of approximately 400 x 400 dpi.  You can also send pdf, .ai, or vector images.

How well a logo looks on BatBob products is determined by the quality of the logo that is provided. The higher the quality, the better the print will look. PNG files with a transparent background work best, but jpg and other bitmap images with a white background will work and we will remove the background before printing.

BatBob utilizes a durable bungee loop with a slide adjuster to cinch around the knob of the bat. If the bat is hit by a baseball while being held by the BatBob, it will not fall off the fence. Usually, players like to keep the loop fairly loose so they can just grab their bat easily, so experience will help decide how tight you want to cinch the BatBob around your bat.